tradingcoach biography
Martin Kemp BA Hons AHPP
Following my economics degree I ran successful businesses in fashion and property development. I then retrained in humanistic psychology and have worked for 15 years as a facilitator with individuals, couples and groups. I have extensive personal development and therapeutic experience across a wide range of approaches and am accredited by the Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners.
I have been trading the markets since 1987, and very actively for the last 10 years. Although I have experimented with many styles of and approaches to trading, I am now primarily a daytrader, focussing on index futures and CFD's. It took me several years of frustration and distress before I began to understand and learn from my mistakes and find consistency. I have been net profitable for 8 years and although I am not yet a market wizard I do make my living from trading.
Working as a trading coach combines 2 of my life's passions, facilitation
and trading, and I bring a depth of experience , insight and enthusiasm to
my work. I tithe 10% of all my coaching fees to a third world charity with which I am personally involved. |